
SWIFT - Insurance

Motor Insurance

This covers all mobile vehicles and cover can either be comprehensive, third party, fire and theft or Third party only. Comprehensive covers own/accidental damage to the vehicle, fire, theft and liability to third parties whereas Third party only covers damage and liability to third parties i.e vehicles, property or pedestrian.
• Copy of Log book. • Copy of PIN. • Copy of I.D
• Duly completed proposal form.

1. Fire & Perils.

This can cover business premises (building) and or contents against fire and related perils such as water damage, smoke damage, explosion, earthquake, flood, riot and strike, malicious damage e.t.c. For contents, it is appropriate to cover bulky items such as furniture, fixtures, machinery and plant and stock in trade.
• Value of the building and location. • Value and serial number of contents. • Valuation report. • Building Description.


This type of insurance cover takes care of contents as above against burglary/theft only. There must be forcible and violent entry or exit from the building for the claim to be accepted/ processed.
• Value of the content and location. • Previous insurance and claim history if any. • Proper stock records must be kept.
• There should always be a watchman from reputable firm and alarm installation.